Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

Beaten Into Submission

The cold, dark wind,
Penetrates with pain
Across frozen fields
On the edge of the Ardennes
Black panzer tanks
Turn white snow red
Across the forest floor
The apocalypse spread
Weakened from the wait,
We push for the Rhine
German blood spilling,
Just a matter of time
The daylight raids
Left Dresden in flames
10 million more dead
All life is erased
Strong resistance,
Cut to pieces
Yes the Third Reich
Burns beneath us
Walking on the dead
Imprisoned here no more
Deceased to join the ranks
Of those who've come before
The Eastern Front will fall
Their legions crushed at Kursh
Suck pleasure in revenge
Their blood shall quench
Our thirst
Fuck your world
Earth laid waste,
Russians enter Warsaw
All hope dies, total capitulation
Turn the tide
With a purpose so clear
We destroy them, extinct
No denial, just death
And a promise, of pain
Make them suffer, repent
Take their loved ones and kill
Fuck their begging, no mercy
Let them crawl forth, and die

Blunt Force Trauma

We exist to destroy, fuck you all
Fuck you all
This prophecy unfolding,
We have no time to wait
The world is dead and rotting,
A lifeless tomb remains
We have no compassion,
Hate runs through our veins
Faceless and abandoned,
We can not be saved
Rise above this waste,
A reformation spreads across
This earth, all consuming
No return, we are the resurrected
Strong with hate we kill the ones
That keep us down
With the body we embrace what
Pleasure gives, no god wants us
Penetrate so deep inside your twisted
Flesh, weak and worthless
Terrified, how you tremble at the
Sight of me, you can not know
What I am, I fucking laugh and
Watch you bleed
No expression, no compassion,
Born to kill
My instinct is your end, hell awaits
Feel your life slip away,
Start to pray
No one hears, no one cares,
No one lives
Watch and wait, the embodiment
Of hate burns inside,
No one is left alive, revenge
Karma kills revenge
Cause-effect... Revenge life to death
One by one they all will fall when I
Get the fucks I'll crucify them all
Take the best motherfucker they got
Kick him in the face and hang him out to rot
I want you to die, and no motherfucker
Should have to question why
Your lives not worth fuck,
Just grab another bitch
And bust another nut
Why can't you fucking go and die,
Your life's worth less than my shit
God can't help, you pretentious fuck
Pools of red, at my feet,
Flesh with flesh, meat on meat
No fucker in this world
I call my friend
The bitches and sluts are fucking dead
Another fucker's talking shit again
A bullet in the head (is what he gets)
Fuck you all, eat my shit
I remain throughout time,
Pure with hate, I cross all lines
They can't remember, I won't forget
The fallen and forgotten,
Forever laid to rest
You won't be the last fucking one
To challenge my hate
Your weakness is just what I need
To terminate
Kill and fucking rape,
Fuckers hit the dust
When they fuck with us
Kill, fuck, maim, tear, fuck you all,
I don't care

Selasa, 24 Maret 2009

Elder Misanthropy(BLACK DAHLIA MURDER)

Wisdom infinite, held tightly in my grasp
My sword one thousand battles strong
Ageless I remain, beyond the reach of death
Indebted by my soul

I have witnessed the birthing of your faith
The tribulations, the driving of the stake
So slowly this immortal coil unwinds
Until the end -- the end of fucking time

Blood of the ancient one is burning through my veins
The blood of gods man's never known
I am the one who cannot die
I am the the killer for all time
Seeds of infinite hate I've sown

I walk the earth enshrouded in its darkness
Eclipsing, I claim the flesh of man
Ageless I remain with vengeance on my breath
Revolted by the meek

I have witnessed the birthing of your faith
The tribulations, the driving of the stake
So slowly this immortal coil unwinds
This crumbing world -- has become mine

See the creation of this world
See it all reduced to ash
In the blink of a sunken eye
I see one hundred winters pass
My blessing, my curse
Perpetually I'm damned to earth
Of a soul I am bereft
Forever dying to be dead

Slipping through centuries untouched by human love
Void of the simple pleasures that human life provides
Forever bound, I lie in wait, undying -- and insane

See the creation of this world
See it all reduced to ash
In the blink of a sunken eye
I see one hundred winters pass
My blessing, my curse
Perpetually I'm damned to earth
Of a soul I am bereft
Forever dying to be dead!


The brightest full moon light entrances me
It calls me forth
Yet I have not the strength to move
In stasis, I rot away and dream
Dream of forgotten years
Dream of the touch of another's hand
I am to be a meal of star-ved worms
My nerves are twisting for the light of my salvation
I rest beneath where I remain as cold as clay
Eternal pain is swelling in my joints

Somewhere within me a flame is slowly born
Inside this shell of bloated flesh grows life anew
Infernal, the moon distorts my mind
My veins jolt back to life, pushing the fluids of the damned

I seek to bathe my fetid flesh in crimson spray
My body writhes without consent of conscience
I lift the lid the pounds of dirt shall not subdue
I shall walk the earth once more

From beyond the strings are pulled
I know not what has made me this way
The animation of my rigid corpse
I shall abandon my coffin of premature fate

All the words of the preacher
All the tears of my family in vain
I shall again walk amongst them
My penance with blood be repaid!


Dead hand grasps for the still night air
I am now free to maim!
There cannot be a god for he would not forgive this
Despicable inhuman monster; rotten, twisted and deformed
I am now a tool of my unholy instinct
Entrails strewn at my bidding
A mockery of all I was

I seek to bathe my fetid flesh in crimson spray
My body writhes without consent of conscience
I lift the lid the pounds of dirt shall not subdue
I shall walk the earth once more

From beyond the strings are pulled
I know not what has made this way
The animation of my rigid corpse
I shall abandon my coffin of premature fate

All the words of the preacher
All the tears of my family in vain
I shall again walk amongst them
My penance with blood be repaid!

Senin, 02 Maret 2009

Gaya Musikal


Scott Hull adalah pemain grindcore terkenal sejaman, melalui partisipasinya di Pig Destroyer dan Agoraphobic Nosebleed. The Locust juga pemain grindcore terkenal.

Stem gitar nada rendah

Vynil side A dari debut Scum Napalm Death, di set standard tuning sementara di side B gitars distem dengan nada rendah menjadi 2½ steps. Album kedua mereka dan Mentally Murdered EP di stem menjadi C#. Harmony Corruption, penawaran ke tiga mereka, d stem tinggi menjadi a D. Sahabat grindcore Carcass juga merendahkan nadanya - khususnya a B. Bolt Thrower lebih merendahkan nadanya dari Carcass, menjadi 3½ steps down (A). Godflesh, awalnya memainkan grindcore scene, salah satu stem mereka B atau C sharp.

Lagu-lagu berdurasi pendek

Salah satu karakteristik dari grindcore dan genre-genre yang berhubungan adalah lagu yang berdurasi pendek (microsong); lagu berakhir dengan cepat. Pada tahun 2001, the Guinness Book of World Records Brutal Truth mencatat rekor "Video Musik Terpendek" untuk "Collateral Damage" ditahun 1994, lagu berdurasi hanya 4 detik. Di tahun 2007 Napalm Death mencatat rekor terbaru untuk video "You Suffer" sebagai "Video Musik Terpendek" hanya berdurasi: 1.3 detik.

Tema Lirikal

Lagu-lagu selalu bertemakan anti-rasisme, feminisme, anti-militerisme, dan anti-kapitalisme. Grup Grindcore lain seperti Carcass bertemakan seputar pembusukan mayat dan darah. Karya-karya Carcass terkadang di identifikasikan sebagai asal muasal goregrind, yang selalu menampilkan tema-tema jasmaniah.


Walaupun genre non-komersil yang sengaja dibuat, pengaruh grindcore dengan cepat menyebar melalui hardcore dan dunia metal.

Power violence, lebih metal ketimbang grindcore, meskipun demikian, tetap terpengaruh oleh banyak band-band sebelumnya.

Band Industrial metal bands sepert Fear Factory telah menyebutkan bahwa kita berhutang kepada genre ini selama bertahun-tahun.

Beberapa band nu metal juga menyatakan pengaruh style permainannya: Wes Borland, gitaris Limp Bizkit seorang fan Carcass.

Chris Fehn percussionis Slipknot's #3, juga mengatakan Carcass mempengaruhi style pada bandnya.

The Panacea, seorang musisi breakcore terkenal, menyatakan dirinya sebagai "the digital version of Napalm Death"

Andrew W.K. sering membicarakan dengan antusias tentang kecintaannya terhadap Napalm Death.

Mantan gitaris Napalm Death, Justin Broadrick, berkarir memainkan industrial metal bersama Godflesh. Mick Harris, dalam proyek post-Napalm, Scorn, dengan singkat mengeksperimenkan gaya ini.

Akar sejarah dan pengaruhnya


Genre musik ini berkembang selama pertengahan tahun 80-an di Inggris oleh Napalm Death, selanjutnya di ikuti oleh teman sejawatnya dari Inggris Carcass, Terrorizer dari Amerika dan Agathocles dari Belgia. Nama "grindcore" diperkirakan di ucapkan oleh mantan drummer Napalm Death, Mick Harris. Ketika di tanya tentang istilahnya, dia mengatakan sebagai berikut:

Grindcore came from "grind", which was the only word I could use to describe Swans after buying their first record in '84. Then with this new hardcore movement that started to really blossom in '85, I thought "grind" really fit because of the speed so I started to call it grindcore.

Sumber lain menyangkal pernyataan Harris. Didalam artikel majalah Spin di tulis tentang sebuah genre, Steven Blush menyatakan bahwa "orang yang sering menyebutkan" untuk menyuarakan style grindcore adalah Shane Embury, basis Napalm Death sejak 1987. Embury mengusulkan pada pernyataan dirinya sendiri tentang bagaimana "sound" grindcore seharusnya:

As far as how this whole sound got started, we were really into Celtic Frost, Siege - which is a hardcore band from Boston - a lot of hardcore and death-metal bands, and some industrial-noise bands like the early Swans. So, we just created a mesh of all those things. It's just everything going at a hundred miles per hour, basically.
Pelopor grindcore, Napalm Death, formasi ke-8.
Dari kiri-kanan: Lee Dorrian, Shane Embury, Bill Steer, Mick Harris

Pendiri Earache Records Digby Pearson setuju dengan Embury, mengatakan bahwa Napalm Death "put hardcore and metal through an accelerator". Pearson, bagaimanapun grindcore "wasn't just about the speed of [the] drums, blast beats, etc." Ia menyatakan bahwa "it actually was coined to describe the guitars - heavy, downtuned, bleak, harsh riffing guitars [that] 'grind', so that's what the genre was described as, by the musicians who were its innovators [and] proponents."

Beberapa kunci personel grup disebutkan oleh anggota dan mantan anggota Napalm Death pertumbuhannya dipengaruhi oleh band-band seperti Discharge, Lärm, Amebix, Repulsion, Throbbing Gristle, Dirty Rotten Imbeciles and the aforementioned Siege, Celtic Frost and the Swans. Post-punk, such as Killing Joke dan Joy Division, juga di sebutkan sebagai pengaruh di awal kelahiran, berikutnya di sbutkan dalam setengah DVD Scum Napalm Death reissue.

Grup seminal grindcore yang lain adalah Assück (Florida), Sore Throat (UK), and Brutal Truth (New York).


Grindcore, sering di singkat menjadi grind, adalah gabungan dari beberapa musik ekstrim: inspirasinya dimulai dari beberapa genre musik populer yang sangat cepat (seperti mengasah) industrial, extreme metal dan hardcore punk. Walaupun gaya musiknya yang amat sangat tidak disukai, pengaruh grindcore menyebar ke pelosok dunia musik, terutama power violence, avant-garde jazz, musik industrial yang sangat komersil dan genre-genre nu metal.

Grindcore di golongkan dengan distorsi berat, gitar dengan stem yang rendah, tempo yang ekstrim, sering diiringi degan beat-beat yang meledak, lagu sering berakhir tidak lebih dari dua menit (beberapa sering juga amat panjang) vokal penuh dengan geraman dan teriakan nada tinggi, hampir mirip dengan crust punk. Lirik selalu bertemakan dari sosial dan politik (Napalm Death), kematian dan darah (Carcass) dan humor (Anal Cunt).


The river I'm bound to be found in,
A rope chosen bound for the hang
When I'm blinded I think I see everything
Convincing myself again

This god that I worship (A faded reflection)
This demon I blame (A flickering flame)
Conspire as one, exactly the same
It's exactly the same

To never recover the pieces
To all that we've lost
Recover the pieces lost
The pieces to all we've lost

I shudder to think of the consequence
It's blasphemy simple and true
The tragic protagonist torments
Convincing myself again

This god that I worship (A faded reflection)
This demon I blame (A flickering flame)
Conspire as one, exactly the same
It's exactly the same

To never recover the pieces
To all that we've lost
Recover the pieces lost
The pieces to all we've lost